Friday, 7 June 2019

5022, 155, (x4, x6, x60)

What is with the numbers?  What king of title for a blog is that?

Well, I have now cut 5022 pieces of glass and don't my poor fingers know it.  Those 5022 bits of glass have now been fused into 155 layer blocks and they all required cold working.

Each of these layers has four sides (x4)
Each of these sides requires six stages of cold working (x6)
Each of theses stages will take a minimum of sixty seconds (x60)

Therefore, 155 x 4 x 6 x 60 = 223,200 seconds > 62 hours of coldworking.

Never underestimate coldworking!!!!


All of that work pays off when you see the light of the LEDs shining through and bringing the layers to life.  All I have tp do now is getting ready for the exhibition. Phew......

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