Friday, 11 January 2019

I'm following my destiny...

Having carried out initial research into the 5 briefs I was immediately being drawn towards Destiny.  Although the brief had a natural leaning for glass ("delivered in a series of vessels") there was something about the theme that appealed, no... that excited!

After working through a number of design ideas and themes I've decided to progress with the theme of Nordic mythology; the sagas relating to the Norn and the Valkyries were so powerful.  

The idea that the Norn, from the second house of Gods, would descend to a new born baby and weave its thread of life in which all of its future, its life, its death were already predetermined was inspiring. However it goes further.  The Norn would look over mortals and at their choosing they could decide to cut the mortals thread and prematurely end their life.

Typical of Nordic sagas there is a twist.  one of the Norn was also a Valkyrie, another strand of the second House whose primary role was to identify the heroic warriors who, in the field of endeavour or battle, had a heroic death.  They would lift their souls to the Great Hall of Valhalla to sit with the Nordic Gods, such as Odin, Freya, Thor etc.  However, as a Norn and a Valkyrie: in the 13th century writing of the sage Edda, by Snorri Sturluson, it describes, 
"them Odin sends to every battle; they determine men's feyness and award victory. Gudr and Róta and the youngest Norn, she who is called Skuld, ride ever to take the slain and decide fights"

What a saga! Not only has your life, your standing, your occupation, your wife, your children and your death been predetermined there exists the opportunity for a god to decide over the field of battle whether to let you walk away or fall, to be a warrior, a coward or a hero. With a deft flick of the wrist Skuld could cut your life thread.  But there's more!

What of your family?  The Norse family and estate were tied to the man of the house with the village council administering the estate on the man's death.  If the family had little, had insufficient family support and no value to the wider community then they could be cast out of their home to face the elements.  Conversely, if they were of standing and had means and support they could keep their home.  Add to this the will of the Norn that a man of low standing could surprise them and rise to the challenge of battle, become a beacon of bravery and devotion, then they could choose to reward him by cutting his thread and give him a warriors death and ascension to Valhalla, and in doing so reward his family who would be supported due to his actions in battle.  Mercy me.... how all of their lives, their destinies are entwined!

Do I sound excited by this theme :-)

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Antemortem This piece portrays the culmination of six months of research and development into the meaning of life, death and the inf...