Fire features in many of the different belief systems as a creation element or as a death ritual. I am drawn to the materialism of this with glass; also created from fire and also a transformative material when exposed to fire and heat.
I had the chance to attend the quarterly meeting of the British Society of Scientific Glassblowers at the City of Glasgow College last week and spent some time watching a demonstration by the renowned glass artists Tom Young MBE and Ian Pearson.
A very quick example of Tom Young's angel series.
The results of Ian Pearson's very amusing 'tale of the Hedgepig'
Ian Pearson very gracefully spent time to speak with me and to talk through some of his processes while doing a 1-2-1 demonstration - thank you Ian!
This image shows the drama of glass being transformed in a bench burner, reaching temperatures over 800'C
This was a very worthwhile visit as it not only allowed me to meet fascinating technicians and artists, to receive invitations to attend their places of work but has given rise to some great ideas for development. Watch this space. 😉